Professional development workshops

Workshops for university faculty and staff

“Responding to Student Writing.” Brown bag session with new faculty (across the curriculum), with Bron Adam and Eileen Schell. Syracuse University Writing Center and The Office of Faculty Development. February 2010.

“Intro to E-mail Netiquette.” Info session for Syracuse University staff, with Emily Dressing. Syracuse University Writing Center and Human Resources. February 2010.

Workshops for university writing consultants and instructors

“The Online Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Program faculty. Syracuse University Writing Center. Every semester since August 2008.

“Lexical Approaches to Second Language Acquisition.” Workshop for Writing Program faculty. Syracuse University Writing Center. September 2009 and February 2011.

“Using the Web for Quick and Dirty Research.” Professional development session for TAs, with Anne Fitzsimmons. Syracuse University Writing Program. November 2010. Handout.

“Rhetorical Invention in the Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants. Syracuse University Writing Center. September 2008.

“Strategies for Working with Second Language Learners.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants. Syracuse University Writing Center. March 2006 and 2008.

“De-centered Identities: Re-imagining Roles in the Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants. Syracuse University Writing Center. February 2008.

“We Don’t Do Grammar?: Working With Students at the Sentence Level.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants. Syracuse University Writing Center.  March 2007.

“Taking the Dis out of (Dis)Ability.” Workshop for Writing Program faculty, with Zosha Stuckey and Carolyn Ostrander. Syracuse University Writing Center.  August 2007.

“Consulting in the Community.” Workshop for Writing Program faculty, with Jeremiah Thompson and several literacy groups in the City of Syracuse. Syracuse University Writing Center. March 2007.

“Academic Integrity and the Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants, with Rebecca Moore Howard. Syracuse University Writing Center. September 2006.

“The WAC Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants, Syracuse University Writing Center. August 2006.

“Group Conferencing In (and Out of) the Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants, with Nance Hahn. Syracuse University Writing Center. April 2006.

“Working One to One with Students: Practices for Consultants and Teachers.” Workshop for Writing Program faculty. Syracuse University Writing Center. November 2005.