Digital CV


Anticipated: May 2017

Ph.D, Composition and Cultural Rhetoric

Syracuse University

Dissertation: “DIY Delivery Systems: The Extracurriculum in the Age of Neoliberalism”

Committee: Steve Parks (chair), Frank Farmer, Tony Scott, Patrick Berry

May 2005

M.A., English: Concentration in Writing

University of Nevada, Reno

May 2000

B.A., Secondary Education, English

SUNY Fredonia, magna cum laude

May 1999

B.S., Communication

SUNY Fredonia, magna cum laude

Administrative Positions


Writing Center Administrator, The Writing Program, Syracuse University

Oversaw over 6,000 tutorial sessions per year. Supervised 20-30 peer, graduate, and professional consultants per semester and editors in the Graduate Editing Center. Taught 2-2 load in the Writing Program, including the undergraduate practicums. Led workshops for faculty, staff, and students across the curriculum. Implemented a 3-year strategic plan that assessed services, rebranded the Center through web design and promotion, and developed two online services.


ESL Consultant, The Education Alliance, Brown University

Collaborated with teams of education faculty from Syracuse, Brown University, the University of New Hampshire, Westfield State College, and the University of Vermont to boost ESL theory and practice for pre-service teachers as part of No Child Left Behind initiatives.


Chair, English Department, Maple Grove Jr.-Sr. High School, Bemus Point, NY

Mentored and led a department of 5 teaching grades 7-12. Wrote and revised curriculum maps that introduced stronger ties for research-based assignments and nonfiction genres. Worked with the principal to hire new teachers.

Teaching Positions


Teaching Assistant, The Writing Program, Syracuse University

Taught a 2-1 load each year that included regularized courses in research, creative nonfiction, and professional writing, as well as pilot courses in self-publishing and student-activist histories.


Curriculum Consultant, Cazenovia Central School District, Cazenovia, NY

Worked with colleagues in the Writing Program to help local high school teachers adapt some of The Writing Program’s first-year curriculum across the department.


Teaching Assistant, Core Writing Program, University of Nevada-Reno

Taught 1-1 load each year that included a two-course sequence for freshmen focused on visual rhetoric, research, and creative nonfiction.


7-12 English Teacher, Maple Grove Jr.-Sr. High School, Bemus Point, NY

Taught AP, 11th, and 12th grade English, as well as electives in journalism and critical reading. Advised the student newspaper.

Editorial Experience


Professional Editor, Graduate Editing Center, Syracuse University

Edited over 1,600 pages of articles, theses, and dissertations from graduate students across the curriculum.


In print

Review: After the Public Turn: Composition, Counterpublics, and the Citizen Bricoleur by Frank Farmer. Community Literacy Journal. 9.2 (Spring 2015).

Review: DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media, edited by Matt Ratto and Megan Boler. Composition Studies, 43.1 (Spring 2015).

Article: “I-Searching in Context: Thinking Critically About the Research Unit.” English Journal 95.4 (2006): 68-74.


Review: It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens by danah boyd. A Collaborative Book Engagement. Eds. Iskandar Zulkarnain, Megan Farnel and Fiona Barnett. HASTAC. Web. August 2014.

Under review

Co-editor: Special Issue of Community Literacy Journal: The Past, Present, and Future of Self-Publishing (Fall 2017)

Anthology: Associate Editor. The 2016 Best of Independent Rhetoric and Composition Journals. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press 2017. (Forthcoming)

Edited collection: Co-editor (with Frank Farmer). DIY Composition: The Politics of Making and Mattering. 2017. (Under consideration)


National Workshops

Handcrafted Rhetorics: DIY and the Public Power of Made Things.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Portland, OR. March 2017. 

Handcrafted Rhetorics: DIY and the Public Power of Made Things.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL. March 2015.

The Public Syllabus: Migrating Your Course to a WordPress Blog.” SUNY Conference on Writing. Syracuse, NY. September 2014.

“Public Narrative & Writing Centers: Stories of Self, of Us, of Now.” The IWCA Collaborative@CCCC. Saint Louis, MO, March 2012.

National Conferences

“Authorial Desire, DIY, and Self-sponsored Literacy in the Neoliberal Age.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Portland, OR. March 2017.

The University Library as Junk Shop: Visualizing DIY Composition.” Computers & Writing. Rochester, NY. May 2016.

“DIY is DIT: Doing It Together With Zines.” Conference on Community Writing. Boulder, CO. October 2015.

No More ‘Moneypeople’: Politicizing Multimodality Through Zines.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL. March 2015.

Zines and Borderlands Rhetorics in Flux: Reassessing the Rhetorical Currency of Print.” Rhetorical Society of America Conference. San Antonio, TX. May 2014

DIY Publishing and Pedagogies of Experiential Circulation.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Indianapolis, IN. March 2014. [Kairos review]

Writing and the Right to the City: Community Publishing in Syracuse.” Conference on Equity and Social Justice. Syracuse, NY. March 2014.

From Cylinder to Soundcloud: Remixing Audio Archives for Public Radio.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Las Vegas, NV. March 2013.

“The Problems of Remaking Are Many: Contingency in 21st Century Writing Centers.” International Writing Centers Association Conference. San Diego, CA. October 2012.

“Looking For a Lighthouse: An Ongoing Training Model for Contingent Environments.” International Writing Centers Association Conference. Baltimore, MD. November 2010.

“Under Construction: Re-routing a University Writing Center.” International Writing Centers Association Conference. Las Vegas, NV. October 2008.

“Revealing Locations: Response Groups in (and Out of) the Classroom.” International Writing Centers Association Conference. Minneapolis, MN. October 2005.

“I-Searching Across the Curriculum.” Composing Cultures: Diversity and the Teaching of Writing. Durham, NH. October 2004.

Workshops for university students and the community

“Cut & Paste: Zines” Workshop for general public. Syracuse in Print and Central Library’s MakerSpace (Onondaga County Public Library). March 2017.

“Zines in Your Library.” Workshop for research and public librarians. Syracuse in Print and the Central New York Libraries Resources Council. April 2016. Slides.

“Zine Swap.” Community program with featured speakers on bookbinding, publishing, illustration and collage art. Syracuse in Print and Lightwork. November 2015.

Zine Workshop Series. Five hour-long workshops for students in “WRT 440: Studies in the Politics of Language and Writing — Community Writing Groups,” with Steve Parks. Syracuse University Writing Program. March-April 2014. Article (from student newspaper).

“Making Zines.” Workshop for students in “WRT 400: Writing for Change: Theory, Practice, and Community Publishing,” with Steve Parks. Syracuse University Writing Program. May 2013.

“Citing Sources in Reports and Slides.” Info session for MBA students in Whitman School of Management. Syracuse University Writing Center. November 2011 and October 2012. Slides.

“Generating Keywords in Web 2.0.” Workshop session for sophomores with Patrick Williams and Justin Lewis. Syracuse University Writing Program and Library Services. February 2011. Handout.

“Why I’m Applying: Strategies for Crafting an Effective Personal Statement.” Workshops for seniors and masters students on writing personal statements for graduate school applications, with Molly Voorheis, John Colasacco, and Diana Ecker. Syracuse University Writing Center and Career Services.  October 2008, November 2009, and January 2010.

“Writing an Academic Essay: Getting Started.” Workshop for international students. Syracuse University Writing Center and Slutzger Center for International Services. March 2009.

“Cut It, Paste It, Mix It: Blending Sources in the Research Essay.” Workshop session for sophomores with Anne Fitzsimmons and Emily Luther.  Syracuse University Writing Program. February 2009. Handout.

“The Cover Letter.” Workshop for undergraduates on letters of application, with Emily Dressing and Diana Ecker. Syracuse University Writing Center and Career Services. February 2009.

“Writing at a Glance.” Workshop for staff of Healthy You, a student publication, with Anne Fitzsimmons. Syracuse University Writing Program. January 2006.

“Academic Dishonesty.” Workshop in dorms on academic honesty. Syracuse University Writing Center and Supportive Services. October 2005.

Workshops for university faculty and staff

“Responding to Student Writing.” Brown bag session with new faculty (across the curriculum), with Bron Adam and Eileen Schell. Syracuse University Writing Center and The Office of Faculty Development. February 2010.

“Intro to E-mail Netiquette.” Info session for Syracuse University staff, with Emily Dressing. Syracuse University Writing Center and Human Resources. February 2010.

Workshops for university writing consultants and instructors

“The Online Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Program faculty. Syracuse University Writing Center. Every semester since August 2008.

“Lexical Approaches to Second Language Acquisition.” Workshop for Writing Program faculty. Syracuse University Writing Center. September 2009 and February 2011.

“Using the Web for Quick and Dirty Research.” Professional development session for TAs, with Anne Fitzsimmons. Syracuse University Writing Program. November 2010. Handout.

“Rhetorical Invention in the Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants. Syracuse University Writing Center. September 2008.

“Strategies for Working with Second Language Learners.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants. Syracuse University Writing Center. March 2006 and 2008.

“De-centered Identities: Re-imagining Roles in the Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants. Syracuse University Writing Center. February 2008.

“We Don’t Do Grammar?: Working With Students at the Sentence Level.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants. Syracuse University Writing Center.  March 2007.

“Taking the Dis out of (Dis)Ability.” Workshop for Writing Program faculty, with Zosha Stuckey and Carolyn Ostrander. Syracuse University Writing Center.  August 2007.

“Consulting in the Community.” Workshop for Writing Program faculty, with Jeremiah Thompson and several literacy groups in the City of Syracuse. Syracuse University Writing Center. March 2007.

“Academic Integrity and the Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants, with Rebecca Moore Howard. Syracuse University Writing Center. September 2006.

“The WAC Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants, Syracuse University Writing Center. August 2006.

“Group Conferencing In (and Out of) the Writing Center.” Workshop for Writing Center consultants, with Nance Hahn. Syracuse University Writing Center. April 2006.

“Working One to One with Students: Practices for Consultants and Teachers.” Workshop for Writing Program faculty. Syracuse University Writing Center. November 2005.


Electives & piloted courses

DIY Publishing  ‣ Spring 2013 & Spring 2015. Students studied the self-publishing history and cultures, circulated and curated texts, and reflected upon choices for making/designing projects.

Student-Activist Histories at Syracuse University ‣ Spring 2014. Introduced historiography by asking students to produce multimodal micro-histories of student activism at Syracuse throughout the 20th century using primary source material.

Creative Nonfiction for Summer College  ‣ Summer 2012A two-week enrichment course for high school students that emphasized popular nonfiction — creative nonfiction, memoir, and the essay.

Writing Culture ‣ Fall 2006 and Fall 2013. An elective writing course that emphasized popular nonfiction — creative nonfiction, memoir, and the essay.

Peer Consultant Practicum ‣ Spring & Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Fall 2009. Tutor-training course that introduced students to theories and methods of writing consultation, including issues about social dynamics, grammar, ESL, disabilities, critical reading, and varied writing processes.

Advanced Writing Consultation ‣ Spring 2005, Fall 2007, Spring 2006, Spring 2008, Spring 2010. A flexibly-organized course where students scheduled 30 hours of consulting in the Writing Center and Syracuse community, wrote a researched experience paper, and met regularly with me.

Required courses

Intro to College-Level Writing for Summer in the City ‣ Summer 2007. Basic writing course offered in NYC through a program for disadvantaged high school seniors from public schools.

Practices of Academic Writing  Fall 2005. Required first-year course that introduced students to academic writing; primarily focused on the practices of analysis and argument.

Critical Research and Writing ‣ Spring 2006, 2009, 2010, & 2012. Required second-year course that used themes on labor, environmentalism, and remix culture to teach rhetorical strategies, practices, and conventions of critical academic researched writing.

Professional Writing ‣ Fall 2010, Spring & Fall 2011, Fall 2012 (online), & Fall 2014. Professional communication course designed through the study of audience, purpose, and ethics.

Honors, grants, and awards


Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Graduate Fellowship, Sweetland Center, U of Michigan


Alex Weirich Teaching Award, Composition & Cultural Rhetoric, Syracuse University


Public Humanities Fellowship, New York Council for the Humanities


HASTAC Scholar


Course Development Grant for Student-Activist Histories at SU, Syracuse University


WPA-GO Travel Grant for CCCC


Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship, Syracuse University


Crescence Ehmke Graham Scholarship, English Department, SUNY Fredonia


Member, “WRT 200: DIY Publishing” planning subcommittee, Fall 2012

Reviewer, Conference on Activism, Rhetoric, and Research at Syracuse University, Spring 2012

Member, Writing Center Admin. Search Committee, Summer 2011

Chair, Writing Center Committee, 2009–2011

Chair, Writing Center Task Force, 2007–2009

Member, Professional Writing Instructor Search Committee, 2005–2008

Member, Lower Division Committee, 2005–2008